Monday, March 14, 2011

Info #1 - Ladderanes

Hi reader,

Do you know what ladderanes are?

Well, as you can see by the name, it can be split into "ladder" and "-ane", or alkane. Therefore, it shows that it is a ladder-like alkane.

Like an alkane, a ladderane does not have any double or triple bonds - only single bonds. Ladderanes contain at least two cyclobutane rings (C4H8 for one ring) attached to it.

An example of a ladderane is pentacycloanammoxic acid. It contains 5 cyclobutane rings, but also contains other functional groups besides that.

 Pentacycloanammoxic acid
(Picture of pentacycloanammoxic acid adapted from Wikipedia, retrieved 14/3/11, 0510 GMT)

Info by YOSF


  1. There are longer acid names than this. :P

  2. I know, e.g. fluoroantimonic acid...... エムピエル!!!

  3. Fluoroantimonic acid has a shorter name than pentacycloannamoxic acid... VOMMS. 何時かお…
